There is one god in hinduism, that is the Universal Intelligence, and there are many other smaller gods, who are the aspects of the Universal Intelligence. Furthermore, if I am not mistaken, in hinduism the One god is not called god at all and gods in hinduism are the certain forces of the One god together with some personal elements.     

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There is a well known goddess lakshmi in india. She is the Goddess of wealth. So if you have her image in your home or pray to get wealth, you most likely will. This is because smaller gods and goddesses are still personal, whilst the universal intelligence is impersonal.

Praying to one particular god or goddess makes your prayer very focused, because your spiritual force targets another defined spiritual force. If you choose to worship nature, people or anything else you see the god in, you are likely to progress spiritually quicker, whilst worshiping particular aspects of god will fill your life with the blessings those gods give, be it peace, sound health or anything else.

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